Rupert Moon is out of today's session with a twisted knee. 鲁珀特·穆恩扭伤了膝盖,无法参加今天的训练。
Decked out in helmets, knee and elbow pads, the skating police received a month of intensive training. 轮滑交警分队的成员全副武装,戴着头盔、护膝和护肘,他们在上岗前接受了一个月的集训。
A player might make a quick cut on the grass and blow out his knee. An angry opponent might lose his temper and send a rival sprawling. Occasionally, players might throw punches. 草地上一个快速的空切很可能让球员的膝盖挂彩;处于暴走边缘的竞争对手也可能将对方打倒在地;偶尔,球员们还会拳脚相向。
And yet I don't know,'he went on, spreading out the verses on his knee, and looking at them with one eye; 你知道,我们并不要找出什么意义,而且我也不懂什么意义。
I shouldn't have played soccer yesterday. I made burger out of my knee. 我昨天不该踢球,结果把膝盖?踢坏了。
Doctor through inquires about the medical history and the related inspection, the diagnosis is: Chronic thrusts out the knee inflammation. 医生通过问及病史和相关检查,确诊为:慢性腆膝炎。
Maintain some weight toward the ball of your front foot and use your front thigh to pull your thighbone upward out of your front knee, allowing your front shin some slight forward movement. 保持一定的重量在你的前脚球,用你的前大腿拉股骨向上离开前面的膝关节,让你的前侧胫骨轻微的向前运动一些。
The Manchester City striker is out with a knee problem, on which he has had one operation already this season. 曼切斯特前锋再度因为膝盖伤势无法比赛,他本赛季已经动过一次膝盖手术了。
Fernando Torres is out after knee surgery and Benitez will leave any decision on Kuyt and Ngog as late as possible. 膝盖手术后的托雷斯依旧缺阵,贝尼特斯将尽可能的晚的决定究竟派库伊特还是恩格格出场。
If I hadn't blown out my knee out senior year. 如果不是在高年级时弄坏了膝盖的话。
He put out his right knee in a football match. 在一场足球比赛中他的右膝盖骨脱臼了。
First day at training camp, he blew out his knee. 第一天训练,他就摔裂了膝盖。
Beckham was left out of the squad for Real's match at Villarreal on Saturday, but Capello pointed out that a knee problem meant he had not been considered for selection. 贝没有进入周六与比利亚雷尔的比赛名单,但卡佩罗指出说是因为他的膝盖伤势的原因。
The group B was 24 to fumigate and wash with chinese traditional medicine after the wound taking out stitches beside accepting CPM training routine after knee operation early. B组24例,除术后早期常规接受CPM锻炼外,伤口拆线后即加用中药熏洗。
Breathe out and make your knee touch your chest. Hold this position for five seconds. 呼气,同时使膝盖轻触脸颊,保持五秒。
Ghana's Michael Essien and Nigeria's John Obi Mikel are out with knee injuries, as is Spain's top striker, Fernando Torres. 加纳的迈克尔·埃辛、尼日利亚的约翰·奥比·米克尔和西班牙的一流前锋费尔南多·托雷斯也都因膝伤而无法出战。
It is a good choice for anyone just starting out or anyone with joint or knee injuries. 这是一个不错的选择,任何人都刚刚起步,或关节或膝关节受伤的人。
The drive opened the road-map out, and laid it on his knee. 司机把交通图打开,放在膝盖上。
You hold him and wade out to Knee Deep water. 你抱着他淌入及膝的河水。
The follow-up was carried out for 8-20 months, and Harris knee joint functional evaluation was adopted to evaluate the functional recovery condition. 并随访8~20个月,运用Harris膝关节功能评分评价功能恢复情况。
We have carried out three sets of knee joint exposure: normal front position and two side positions, and studied in comparison with respective aluminum wedge exposure tests. 笔者就膝关节常规正、侧位进行三组曝光,并与铝梯做对应测试研究。
Aside from conventional MRI sequence, additional sequence sensitive for cartilage lesions should be carried out in the patients who complain of knee joint pain. 关节疼痛的患者行膝关节检查时,除常规MRI序列外,应加一软骨敏感序列。
Methods A retrospective study was carried out in 11 cases with knee fractures treated by LISS from August 2003 to December 2004 in our department. 方法对11例膝部骨折行LISS内固定的患者进行回顾性分析。
To attain the aim, weight trainning with the foot and the toe flexed must be carried out with the knee bent. 为达到这一目的,负重屈足、屈趾练习必须在屈膝条件下进行。
The result of the experiment points out that for correcting knee deformity, recovering the normal tibiofemoral para-position and stress distribution should be paid more attention. 实验结果提示膝关节畸形矫正时,要注意恢复胫股间的正常对合与应力分布。
Methods Cases with metaphysial dense band sign were searched out from radiographs of wrist and knee of 1000 hospitalized children for analysis. 方法在1000例儿童腕、膝关节X线片中寻找具有干骺端致密带征的病例,并进行分析。
Methods Arthroscopic knee debridement combined with postoperative rehabilitation exercise was carried out in 17 cases ( 21 knee joints) of knee osteoarthritis with moderate-to-severe degenerative cartilage. 方法采用关节镜下膝关节清理术联合术后康复训练治疗17例(21膝)中重度软骨退变的膝关节骨关节炎。
Regular x-ray exams should be carried out to prevent knee joint dislocation and compression of the articular cartilage. 牵伸过程中应定期实施X线检查,以防止膝关节脱位和关节软骨受压。